This site is dedicated to a community of life-long learners. Our weblog serves as a safe place to share challenges, questions, ideas, successes, and whatever springs up in our journey ahead. May we find support, validation, and inspiration from each other.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Where am I from?

I am from a lost father
And a sick mother
I am from a turning point
In two adults lives
I am from the mistake
Of falling in love

Where am I from?

I am from a lost world
Full of tortured souls
I am from a time of hate
And a country of greed
I am from nothing
And when i say nothing
A sick sick world
That will ruin your values

Where am I from?

I am from a dream held by two souls
A love that couldn't be broken
A set of lies spoken in a church corridoor
By two people who thought what they had was real
I am from nothing greater
And nothing worse than anyone else

Where am I from?

I am from a crew of kids
Willing to fight for each other
Willing to die for each other
Willing to make a stand
I am from dance pits
Sweat covered fists
Heavy heart beats
And moving feet
I am from fist fights in alley streets
With kids who don't care
If they even come out alive

This is where I am from.
A world that has to stick to their guns
Full of people who are full of fight
A world that i
Have learned to love.


  1. Woha!
    This is really good.....
    i probably wouldn't even be able to do as good as you on this1
    Keep up the good work>

  2. I understand how you feel in some of the ways that you have put down.

  3. you make it all sound so sad im really sorry that you feel this way.But just know that it does get better. It will all make sense later. I know i don't know you at all but when i look at you i feel so much sadness and idk y but i can sense that you have been really let down in your life. idk i probably sound stupid but your really inspiring in your writing.
