Friday, June 25, 2010
because I love the meaning
of my name, it is Havaenly
Shrine. My mother got my
name from a book of babby
The orgin comes
from hawaiian I love
where my name
comes from.
Did you know
that Ahulani
can be a
boy names.
the pronunciation
my name is Ah hoo
La nee.
But when I frist
meet people they
alwasys get it wrong
but the more they pratice
the more they say it
I choose this because
I know myself.
That means that my name
My opinion
Iam really happy that my
OH! MY GOD.. !!!
maybe six years old
i love to the played game with my friends
We played 10:00 A.M to throught the sunset
At 9:00 P.M It's too, dark to play the game
Time to go home and we were going home
Then we heard a person is screaming and
My friend said " OH! MY GOD.."
and she ran very fast to her house ...
Our Game name was "COPO".
My Friends in Study Skills
My Poem Aletea Moad
if were going to end up poor
we won'thave a roof over our heads
butwe will still have beauty.
I got lost in my childhood
but then I found butterflies
in the woods.
I look into the dark
all I ever see is god
so I wake up at 8 at
night and sit outside
drinking coffee and covering
with a blanket while the sunset.
Mountainous Land : My land
did you know......
Divorce hurts Children
my strengths are the sorces i had found
I can relat to thisn research because my dad left my mom before i was born .i did not know him untill i was 2 years old.
My rescorses are off of google.
I got this idea from central libary webpage.
by looking up the scorses.
my reeding change alot and my typing changed alot by doing posts.
My goul for the future is becoming a football player for a NFL team and becoming a scintest that searches for new speaces.
Some people get in a divorce and they wil not realise it will affect there childern.
This will put the children in the middile of there parents.
Some parents try to make there children go aginst the other parent.
This put the children in alot of pressere for them to handile.
Some children do drugs to get the pressere off of them.
Or they steel to get attintion from there parents.
Sometimes the dad trys to buy the children love like giving them money or buying them stuff.
sometimes the mothers compains to there children.
Sometimes the parents get a new wife or husband and the children dont gett along with.
This will cause the children to do bad things or get in trouble alot by the police.
An article entitled "Divorce Hurts Children" spells out some of the unique challenges facing
children of divorced parents.
A) the child’s age at the time of separation (much evidence suggests that younger children are more negatively affected by divorce);
B) the child’s gender (boys have a harder time than girls with social adjustment following divorce);
C) the pre-divorce adjustment of the child (divorce can magnify a child’s poor pre-divorce adjustment, and a child with problems before the divorce can exacerbate the difficulty of the divorce);
D) the custodial parent’s psychological adjustment (maternal depression and anxiety at the beginning of the divorce process predicts later negative emotional and social adjustment in the children);
E) the access and frequency of contact with the non-custodial parent (loss of significant contact with a parent with whom the child had a positive pre-divorce relationship is detrimental to the child);
F) the degree of conflict between the parents (in general, the higher the level of conflict, the worse the outcome for the children; this is a fairly robust finding);
G) the degree of “goodness of fit” between a child’s temperament characteristics and each parent’s tolerance of these characteristics (the better the “fit,” the better the adjustment of the child).
The children perceive a problem in the relationship with their mothers or fathers.
Children have more difficulties in dating, have fewer dates, more difficulty finding dating partners, and less happiness with their current dating partner.
in the water
tremblein hope
they dont get
The poor girl
worries what
roof she will
lay her
beautiful head
The young butterfly
was mearly in childhood
so young and lost
in the woods no where
to turn no one within
a hundred miles
look God there
is a dark sunset
Thursday, June 24, 2010
brain power torweds color
I found that we don't really see the world. oure brain constructs the world that we see. no two people's brain perceive the identical color the same.
we don't See the real world but oure brain makes us have a strong belief that we actually see what we see. "The brain can be tricked." the reason for this is that color doesn't really exist in nature.
my research project
Intro: My Research Topic :)
I can't wait to share my findings with you! :)
How to plant Rose flowers ?
How do we do the rose flower is should growing fast?
What kind of the flower need to feed for growing fast?
In this paragraph I will share a summary of what I read about roses. And I'll include a quote or passage that I find helpful. Here's some information I found from the Missouri Conservation Department about the necessity of cutting roses.
"Repeated cutting, as discussed above, is effective. For large populations on severely disturbed areas, mowing can be substituted for cutting individual plants. However, mowing multiflora rose can result quickly in flat tires. On mowers, filling tires with foam is recommended."
Your Research Blog
l. Write a paragraph which will introduce your readers to your topic. Tell us why you chose your topic and what you expect to learn as you read. Include any questions you may have or questions that other people may ask you.
2. Tell us where you looked for your information. What data bases did you use? (InfoTrack, Gale, World Book Online, etc.) What article(s) did you read?
3. Summarize the article(s) you read. Give us the "gist" we've been practicing in class. Add a quote (a short passage) and give credit to your source.
4. End with a final paragraph about your opinion. How was your opinion influenced by your reading? What would you like us to know about your final thoughts?
5. Add a catchy headline.
6. Upload a picture to illustrate your topic.
7. Hyperlink us to your source, if you are able!
So...this is really easy. Basically you are creating a three paragraph (or so) blog post. Paragraph one is your "so what," about why you chose your search. Paragraph two is your summary of your reading. Paragraph three is your opinion - your ending. Then voila. . .you are finished! The rest is the fun part. . .answering the comments to your post!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
why i"m changeing my subject
DANIEL, van cung
making people laugh is the thing i cna do the best because i like seeing people in a good mood because i hate seeing or hearing someone that is in a bad mood because then they are mean to me and i like when people laugh at me because its fun and funny when i grow up i want to be a comedan and a mechanic
How Hardcore music can effect teens.
Abortion: Saveing an unborn life
The reason why i am picking this topic, is because no one really thinks about the life of an unborn child, and doesn't seem to care that much about it. I picked it also because i thought it would be a great subject.
In an article entitled the necessary evil, Clark d Forsythe said, "Such ideas have reinforced the belief that there are only two options in the abortion debate: legal abortions or dangerous back alley abortions. Americans must be shown alternatives to these choices if they car to have an honest public dialogue on abortion."
In the same article, Myth 1: "One of two million illegal abortions occur ed annually before legalization. In fact, the annual total in the few years before abortion on demand was no more than tens of thousands and most likely fewer." Myth 2: "Thousands of women died annually from abortions before legalization, as a leader in the legalization movement, Dr. Bernard Nathanson later wrote: "How many deaths are we talking about when abortion was illegal?""Prohibitions would mean no fewer abortions and more women injured or killed." "Middle America's sense that abortion is necessary evil explains a lot of things." "First this notation of abortion as a necessary evil explains the seemingly contradictory polls showing that majority of Americans believe that both abortions are murder, and that it should be legal. It means, that abortion opponents have won the essential debate that the unborn is a human being and not mere tissue. In fact, the whole trust of the choice argument admits this and seeks to sideline Americans moral qualms by telling Americans that, even if its a human life, the most that can be done is to persuade women not to have abortions.
Some of the things that I've learned from reading this was, you cant stop anyone from doing this even if you try your hardest. it's petty much there life so they are going to choose what they do. I guess it would be that they want an abortion, or maybe it's for a good cause. I honestly don't know why they would do that to a human being.
I think there are many other ways than abortion. They think that when you're young and you getting pregnant, and they says " don't worry, there's a way to fix that" and they mean abortion. I honestly disagree about abortion, i don't think that's it's right, for us to follow what other People think. It's killing something so precious, and it's not right. Maybe some people believe in abortion, but that's their opinion, and not yours.Sometimes no one tells you about the "other" options. They should know. What if your family doesn't have the money to support you, or if your boyfriend don't have the money at the time? you can always put it up for adoption, and at least get to see your kid. you could have an open adoption, or a closed adoption. Everyone exaggerates all the time about abortion, and they honestly don't need to because it freaks more people out about the whole situation in the first place. If i ever was in the situation, and i seriously needed to then i would, but i still wouldn't see why. I think that abortion is very cruel, and doing that to something, that you'll love, and you can easily get at attached even if it's not here yet.
Here are some of the Hot lines for Abortions, and even Adoption Hot lines: Bethany Christian Services (abortions): 1-800-BETHANY Option line: 1-800-395-HELP
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
your day can be happy
your day can be depressing
your day can be joyful
your day can be filled with nothing but anger.
Monday, June 21, 2010
My favorite love peom
"You live in my heart"
You live in my heart,i won't break it apart,even if it makes me to cry,i will love you till i die.Blood doesn't flow in my vein,ur thought flows in it as a pain,I may not be the one for you,i would have still loved you-even if i knew....My love is not written on sand,for the waters to wash away,it is written in my heart to stand,all the difficulty that comes its way.You still live in my eyes,even after seeing all the goodbyes,You can go to any place you desire,the dream of being together will-always burn like a fire....I still smile looking into the life of yesterday,to wipe away the tears that you bring everyday,Nights seems to be getting longer and longer,with thoughts of u getting stronger and stronger.My love may not be one happy chapter,like the saying "they lived happily ever after",By loving,i have lost everything to you,what i still possess is just the memories-of once being with you....
Submission date : 2004-10-04
Last edit : 2007-04-12
i love this.
My name
because it has a
cool meaning to
it the meaning is
Heavenly Shrine.
My mom took
that name from
a book.
In the future I will
name my childern
an Hawiin name.