This site is dedicated to a community of life-long learners. Our weblog serves as a safe place to share challenges, questions, ideas, successes, and whatever springs up in our journey ahead. May we find support, validation, and inspiration from each other.

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Friends in Study Skills

Everyone is my friends, but there are three that are particularly my friends.

Brooke James

Mary Wigton

Daniel, Vanbawi

Brooke- I've known her for a while. She used to be intimidating but now she's not scary at all. I love her. She is my best friend forever.

Mary- I wish I would've met her earlier. We go to the same school. She is really cool! I love her too! I love talking to her.

Daniel- He is SOOOOO funny! At first he didn't know how to pronounce my name. He used to call me PICTURE but he's getting the hang of saying my name. He is really cool.

All of you guys are my friends. I made new friends this summer. Thanks for the laughs and what not LOL :)