FSU stands for two things. One of which is Friends Stand United, and the other i cannot say. FSU is a gang started by kids who listen to Hardcore music. They started in the 80's by a man known as Elgin James as a group of kids on the East Coast, aiming to eliminate racism from the Hardcore music scene. As Nazi skinheads became less prominent in the community (perhaps due in part to the work of groups like FSU) the gang fizzled out.
They re-emerged in the mid-90's in areas like Boston, New Jersey, Arizona, Los Angeles, and Seattle. While the group doesn't seem to have a discernible political agenda today. FSU members have claimed on message boards that their actions are in response to those who "speak out against them" or "disrespect" them. All they are asking for, they say, is respect, and if they feel they aren't getting it, the situation often ends in violence.
Earlier this month, one incident involving FSU's Arizona chapter came to a fatal conclusion. According to the Arizona Daily Star, members of FSU, armed with hammers and machetes, invaded the venue and started shoving concertgoers. The fights moved out onto the street and one injured young man ran to his car, pulled a gun, and fired a shot at an FSU member who was chasing him. The FSU member died at the hospital later that night.
This is an effect that Hardcore music has had on the mind of young kids. This group known as FSU has even been known to shut down shows just because they didn't like the people playing. For example a show that a band Danger was scheduled to play on December 22nd, got shut down by FSU after the members of Seattle's FSU chapter threatned Al Brown (lead singer) that if he did anything "faggoty" that the consequences would be severe.
Brown was more than happy to shut the show down due to the fact that he was attacked by members of the L.A. chapter of FSU and suffered minor injuries. This happened because Brown's band Danger has a song called "Neo Neo-Nazi" which is a shot at FSU's violent acts on people.
This according to Elgin James "Is only the begining."
This is amazing to me. . .and how dangerous! Is there stuff like this in Springfield? I'd seen something on TV about hispanic gangs writing lyrics about their warfare, bragging about people they'd killed and even issuing warnings to listeners. How bold!
ReplyDeleteThere are actually a group of kids kind of like this here in springfield. And they are even trying to get a chapter of FSU started here. I honestly think that people like that are stupid. Why resort to violence when there are more mature ways of handling your problems.