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Friday, June 25, 2010

Divorce hurts Children

my strengths are the sorces i had found

I can relat to thisn research because my dad left my mom before i was born .i did not know him untill i was 2 years old.

My rescorses are off of google.

I got this idea from central libary webpage.

by looking up the scorses.

my reeding change alot and my typing changed alot by doing posts.

My goul for the future is becoming a football player for a NFL team and becoming a scintest that searches for new speaces.

Some people get in a divorce and they wil not realise it will affect there childern.

This will put the children in the middile of there parents.

Some parents try to make there children go aginst the other parent.

This put the children in alot of pressere for them to handile.

Some children do drugs to get the pressere off of them.

Or they steel to get attintion from there parents.

Sometimes the dad trys to buy the children love like giving them money or buying them stuff.

sometimes the mothers compains to there children.

Sometimes the parents get a new wife or husband and the children dont gett along with.

This will cause the children to do bad things or get in trouble alot by the police.

An article entitled "Divorce Hurts Children" spells out some of the unique challenges facing

children of divorced parents.
A) the child’s age at the time of separation (much evidence suggests that younger children are more negatively affected by divorce);
B) the child’s gender (boys have a harder time than girls with social adjustment following divorce);
C) the pre-divorce adjustment of the child (divorce can magnify a child’s poor pre-divorce adjustment, and a child with problems before the divorce can exacerbate the difficulty of the divorce);
D) the custodial parent’s psychological adjustment (maternal depression and anxiety at the beginning of the divorce process predicts later negative emotional and social adjustment in the children);
E) the access and frequency of contact with the non-custodial parent (loss of significant contact with a parent with whom the child had a positive pre-divorce relationship is detrimental to the child);
F) the degree of conflict between the parents (in general, the higher the level of conflict, the worse the outcome for the children; this is a fairly robust finding);
G) the degree of “goodness of fit” between a child’s temperament characteristics and each parent’s tolerance of these characteristics (the better the “fit,” the better the adjustment of the child).

The children perceive a problem in the relationship with their mothers or fathers.
Children have more difficulties in dating, have fewer dates, more difficulty finding dating partners, and less happiness with their current dating partner.


  1. fist i want to say that i do not believe that parents really take the time to think about how this affects the children before because i really believe if they did there would be much less abuse and fighting around them. i know this from experience and its not a fun experience but WE {the kids} find out that it was just a mistake on our parents part and we all will HOpefully grow form it. Great subject thanks for expressing your opinion on such a serious matter

  2. I partly blame the high divorce rate in the world today due to society. Its started to slack in morals and ethics. Everyone seems to be so much more acceptive of divorce. Its stupid and ignorant. Its a painful process. And one not to be taken lightly. I for fact know that I would NEVER consider a divorce if I had children. Marriage is something between two supposedly "mature" adults. Not hard to suck it up and fix the problems. Nothing is permanently broken. Sure a few cracks and scrapes may remain. But divorcing to get rid of the problem is the wrong way. Your just running. thats all it is. not hard to get marriage counciling. Talk about problems. and let each other know what your thinking. Sorry. I have strong views and opinions on this subject. Makes me so angry to watch how a person can stand in front another and say til death due us part then run for the hills at the first tiff or problem. immaturity at its peak. Great topic man

  3. i think that disvores is some times the best thing for the childern
