This site is dedicated to a community of life-long learners. Our weblog serves as a safe place to share challenges, questions, ideas, successes, and whatever springs up in our journey ahead. May we find support, validation, and inspiration from each other.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


has anyone ever lost a mother and i aint talking about like she wont talk to you or you dont talk to her i am talking about she has pasted away well let me tell you something it is a hard thing to do you easyly get affened by what people say about moms and i have lost friends over me freaking out but its so hard!!!!!!!


  1. im sorry that you lost your mom i dont know what i would do without my mom

  2. AWh,
    It's hard when you have lost someone you really loved.
    I havent lost my mom, but sometimes it feels like it..
    It's gonna be okay!
