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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reading Online. . .Radio Diaries

Today we'll be reading stories from NPR. Follow that link and select from the Radio Diaries, a unique collection of personal recordings and feature stories of interest. Read and post your reflections. Please provide us a link to the stories you select!


  1. the radio thing is really cool i like the one about the guy that lived with the monkeys not because he was trapt in the cage but because i think i would like to live with monkeys if i got use to them and they were nice to me

  2. its so sad to me how the pigmea ended up in the zoo, and did'nt know anything else so he did it. as the church said that was very degrading and wrong for them to take advantage of him like so. I can't believe someone would't have that on their conscience all the time i know i would:(
