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Monday, June 28, 2010

My Project

So since we started this class, i have been working on a video. Due to recent events i had to toss that whole thing out the window. Even though this has happened, I am not letting it keep me from doing the project. So without any further problems. Here it is.

MUSIC! and the effects on the Teenage brain!!!!
By: Chance Simmons
So what is the real effect of music on teenagers? Honestly, there isn't one. After doing research i have discovered that the music isn't having the effect on the kids. The kids had this in them the whole time, they are just using the music as an excuse to get away with the actions that they depict themselves by.
From school shootings being blamed on Marilyn Manson's lyrics. To the outbreak of teen pregnancies shortly after the release of the song "Slice of Your Pie" by Motley Crue. People have always been so quick to pass the blame onto someone else. It's so easy to say that someone told you to do something, but its impossible for people to swallow their pride and realize its their fault.
I have really discovered that the music scene has no real true effect on kids, other than what they allow it to. And by allowing it to take over in such a radical way (i.e. FSU. see earlier post.) that they end up hurting themselves and others, it becomes more of an addiction. They are addicted to the rush. They love the feeling. They can't get enough of knowing they are alive. But what they don't notice is the fact that they have been alive all along. You don't have to punch a kid in the face, push your body out for everyone to see, lower yourself to the sickening standards that are thrown in our face by the media everyday.
By saying that music itself doesn't effect a person I'm lying. Music can effect your mood. It can effect how you perceive things. It can even effect how you see yourself. But there is a difference between that, and the other side which is the radical take over of music on ones soul.
So why does any of this even matter? You might ask. Or you might say, But Chance this isn't a report as much as it is an opinion paper. But isn't that all a report is? An opinion based on facts found by one person. An opinion based on what we are told to say instead of what we have found on our own. This is the effect that can be shoved into us. But it is not done by music.
The real problem is Society. Society is the thing that has the strongest effect on a teenager. From being in school and always trying to fit in, to being at work and doing your best to be the best worker there. Everything people do now-a-days is to impress others. That's all it is. Society has taught us that we can't be happy unless the people around us are happy with us. It sounds confusing but its the truth.
We will never be happy, set to the standards that society shows us. We will never amount to what our society has set out before us. We can walk down this path, straight and narrow, or we can do what we as people should do, and that's start living for ourselves. Stop trying to impress the others around us, and stop worrying what people will think. We need to break free from the binds that society has pushed onto us, and we need to stop this dominatrix act that society has grown to have a fetish of.
I'll leave you with a person who i try to model my life after, and i hope you will see why.
"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy.
The Savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe.
Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."
My research came from my life in this music scene, and from
Please ignore the foul language, I can filter my mouth, sadly i cannot filter others.


  1. Do kids really blame music for their actions?

  2. Jullie; of course they do. Think of how many kids dress like their favorite rappers. Look at how many kids model THEIR behavior after their favorite artist/group. This was a really great read chance. You hit some very good key points. I've always had a similar opinion myself. However I do think it is up to the artist to decide what filters through to his/her audience. Certainly the messages could be better. But its up to the one listening how to percieve that message. Btw, I really like the quote. Dunno who Ayn Rand is. but it makes sense. and is a truthful quote.

  3. I don't think they do. Example, i listen to classical. OH NO! now i have to play violin, piano and listen to nothing to opera! Really, it shouldn't reflect upon your actions.

  4. paytre its interesting you should mention that. classical music has a VERY large of effect on the teenage brain. even on those through the ages of 50 or 60. Classical music increases the willingness to learn. Listeners also have a larger attention span and have been found to be able to concentrate better and longer on tedious and demanding task. As for actions. Well Classical is instrumental

  5. Haha. Stephen you are far too intelligent for our good. lol
