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Thursday, July 1, 2010


The Basics on Becoming an Obstetrician

See earlier blog post for further information.


  1. it would be amazing to be able to see babies take their first breath evry day. My mom used to want me to be a midwife but just not my thing. I hope you get to fullfill your dream to be a obsterirican.

  2. I think that if it is something you want to do than I wish you all the work in the world and it will take you a long time in school because my sister is doing something similar.

  3. This was a very informative presentation. I didn't know that there was a special name for a doctor that does that. I hope your journey in being an Obstetrician is enjoyable.

  4. I think this would be a great career to persue in and take intrest in and this is something i wish more people were into when i was little because i was 6 weeks old and 5 pounds 3 ounces and had to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks after i was born

  5. Sounds like quite a fulfilling job. One with a long and difficult road as well. Hope your hold onto to that desire to become what you want. No type of medical school is easy. You'll need more then brains if you wanna come out with your degree and all the required training in the end. Best of luck to ya paytre. on a lighter note. *babies* (sure their cute til they figure out that they can walk and touch things.)

  6. thank you for telling and teaching us about obstetrician.

  7. This is verry cool, i wish you the best of luck..

  8. in this jobe you do need to communicate wdith people. If you can connunicate with people you can also help them.this jobe does take lots of determination and hard work to get.i agree with you the beuty of this job is to see the first life of a specifec person.

  9. Wow! It's very cool.
    it's the real?

  10. Thank you everyone. That encourages me a lot. I will work my hardest and be dedicated. Hey, maybe i'll deliver your children one day! Johnlain: Yes this career is real. The little babies in the hand are made out of frosting. :)

  11. i think that it is a good thing to learn about for women when they get pregnant and its a good career because it helps pregnant women

  12. Paytre I think youd be perfect for this job because you have great communication skills.It does sound like a very interesting job that will take alot of time,hardwork, and patience and im sure are capable of all of that. Oh and i especially like the last slide :)

  13. Thank you! I like the last slide, too. :)
