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Monday, June 28, 2010

Factson on Butterflies


A caterpillar's frist meals

is its own eggsshell.It then

spends most of their eating

the leaves of the plant on wich

it hatched. An adult butterfly

uncoils its long, straw-like pro-

boscis to sip nectar from flowers,

juice from rotting fruit water

from puddles.

Life Cycle From egg to adult, butterflies undergo a series of physical transformations known as metamorphosis. After mating, the female butterfly lays her eggs on a caterpillar food or “host” plant. The eggs can hatch within a few days, or within months or even years, depending on whether or not conditions are right.

How Butterflies lay Eggs

Some Butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of specific plants, others lay them in mid-flight. Some Butterflies, like the Cabbage White Butterfly, lay their eggs on cabbage leaves - the eggs and the caterpillars that emerge presently are velvety green and blend in well with the cabbage leaves.


  1. I like butterflies. One time a butterfly flew into my face and i cried. That didnt change how i feel though :) basically i like it when butterflies are far off.

  2. I like butterflies they are very beautiful! Good job:)
