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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Music. The effects on Teenage brain

I am researching how music can effect the mind of a teenage child. Also how it causes them to change their appearance and the way that they act. I'm not talking about the blues movement in mississppi, but the Hardcore music movement that came from Washington D.C. to Boston, and then all over the world.

The music you listen to can change how you dress, talk, walk, it can even take you to the extremes of body modifications. This is all i know right now, so i will update as i go on.


  1. I think that is really amazing that you are interested in that sort of stuff. Because not many people are interest in seeing how music affects children.

  2. yeah bud this is a great topic and i had one question? what type of music do you plan on playing and who are you going to have listen to the music

  3. I honestly think that's a good topic to be reshearching on.... i probably qould of never even thought of that..:)

  4. Well i'm actually making a documentary. It'll inform everyone about the music that i love and live for, Hardcore. You'll see where it started, where it is now, and the effect that it has had on our culture, and the sub culture refered to as "The Scene"

  5. Wooooh! i love that, you guys interested people!!!

  6. i love that you have decided to research what you have. I actually did this same project about two years ago when i started to listen to screamo and really downing songs, they got portraid in the way i acted and dressed. well good luck on your journey:) hope it helps you as much as it did me.
