This site is dedicated to a community of life-long learners. Our weblog serves as a safe place to share challenges, questions, ideas, successes, and whatever springs up in our journey ahead. May we find support, validation, and inspiration from each other.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Where I Am From

I am from Hoola Hoops and Hop Scotch,
From chlorine and zinc oxide.
I am from bare feet dancing in puddles
Of summer rain, sizzling steam off
Scorched sidewalks.

I am from Barbie dolls and tea parties,
From ten cent ice cream cones and long
Walks with Freckles.
I am from put your napkin in your lap
And get your elbows off the table.
I am from straighten up and fly right and
Don’t come down until your homework’s done.

I’m from rides to the Village on my bicycle,
Flute lessons and swimming meets.
I am from the hum of Mother’s sewing machine
And matching Easter dresses.

I am from Jack and Harriett and Margie,
From memories of voices I can still hear
Inside my head.
“Good Night, Sleep Tight
And Don’t get out of bed!”


  1. this is really cool i like to listen to how peoplr are and how there lives are and how people live or use to live
